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Christian Schools directory, showing website links, locations, telephone numbers, and category tags.
... Christian Schools Directory Share> Christian Schools This Christian Schools directory includes Christian school pages for every State in the USA plus Washington, DC. Each State and ...
URL: http://christian-schools.regionaldirectory.us/
A few reflections concerning Christian baptism.
... Reflections on Christian Baptism Share Christian Baptism> John The Baptist Acts 8:37 Wycherley Letters Critique Reflections on Believer's Baptism, Household Baptism, and Infant Baptism ...
URL: http://www.christian-baptism.com/baptism.htm
History of the Christian Church A.D. 100 to 311 - Clergy and Laity, by Philip Schaff.
... sacrifice and altar, passed imperceptibly from Jewish and heathen reminiscences and analogies into the Christian church. The majority of Jewish converts adhered tenaciously to the Mosaic institutions and ...
URL: http://www.plymouthbrethren.com/schaff3.htm
The Olivet Discourse: Christendom: The Ten Virgins, by C. H. Mackintosh.
... which we have already referred, inasmuch as it takes in the whole range of Christian profession, and is not confined to ministry either within the house or outside ...
URL: http://www.plymouthbrethren.com/chmm896.htm
A few reflections concerning Christian baptism.
... Christian Baptism Share Christian Baptism> John The Baptist Acts 8:37 Wycherley Letters Critique Reflections on Believer's Baptism, Household Baptism, and Infant Baptism On this ...
URL: http://www.christian-baptism.com/
The non-denominational Plymouth Brethren movement originated among Christians in the British Isles during the early 19th century.
... ." Jesus (John 8:12) In recent years, several well-known Christian authors (including Tim LaHaye, Hal Lindsey, and David Wilkerson) have ...
URL: http://www.plymouthbrethren.com/
Is New Testament baptism analogous to Old Testament circumcision?
... Baptism and Circumcision Is New Testament Baptism Analogous To Old Testament Circumcision? Among some Christians, an analogy is drawn between circumcision in the Old Testament and baptism in ...
URL: http://www.plymouthbrethren.com/baptism-circumcision.htm
The Gospel of Success - Is it the Gospel of Jesus Christ?
... world, and not according to Christ" (Colossians 2:8). Christians have always had to be careful about deceptive teaching, and today the " ...
URL: http://www.plymouthbrethren.com/success.htm
Personal Testimony, by J. N. Darby.
... Himself for me, I owed myself entirely to Him, and that the so-called Christian world was characterised by deep ingratitude towards Him, I longed for complete devotedness ...
URL: http://www.plymouthbrethren.com/jndthol.htm
The Olivet Discourse: Part 3 ? The Judgment, by C. H. Mackintosh.
... teach it? Let us see. In the first place, as to the Christian individually, and the Church of God, collectively, the New Testament sets ...
URL: http://www.plymouthbrethren.com/chmm884.htm
Considerations on the Nature & Unity of the Church of Christ, by John Darby.
... them, the people of God are found as individuals, among bodies of professing Christians, joined in communion upon other and different grounds; not in fact as ...
URL: http://www.plymouthbrethren.com/jnd01020.htm
Learn how to study the Bible, and browse the Bible study information resources.
... while the New Testament books were written between 35 A.D. and 100 A.D. Christians believe that the Bible is the divinely inspired Word of God. "All ...
URL: http://www.bible-study.us/

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